Friday, January 17, 2025

79 POSTS0 COMMENTS is a technical e-journal and web community. It was born and grows with the purpose to share high-tech knowledge about the most advanced and widespread signalling and train control European solutions. Young and experienced rail-signal engineers are welcome to participate to the group’s web community, by publishing their own technical articles about the main topics of railway signalling and train control European solution.

Shanghai Metro: the longest underground in the world

Overall, Shanghai metro consists in 14 metro lines and 337 stations, with an operating route length of 548 kilometers.

The Shift2Rail innovation programme

A research programme to achieve a more competitive and resource-efficient European transport system with a view to addressing major societal issues such as rising traffic demand, congestion, security of energy supply and climate change.

How Track Circuits detect and protect trains: download your PDF copy!

Track circuits contributes for train detection but also for the vehicle’s speed control, since the electrical signals used for train detection can be exchanged between wayside and on-board for the transmission of speed commands.

Ansaldo STS MacroLok presented as the the Interlocking solution of the future

With flexible interfaces to Traffic Management, ERTMS L1/ L2/L3, Zone Controller and other Interlockings, Ansaldo STS MacroLok seems to be the natural evolution of the previous STS Interlockings currently in service around the world

ETCS over GPRS: how, when and why!

Currently UNISIG consortium is working to standardize ETCS over GPRS as the communication technology chosen for ERTMS applications. A first release of the specification is to be submitted in 2015.

History of controlling trains: a video by Network Rail

This is the history of how trains have been controlled in Britain

Introduction to Polish railway infrastructure and railway signalling in Poland

Polish railway infrastructure consists of around 19 000 km railway lines.

InnoTrans 2014: new technologies available for its 10th edition

In Messe Berlin, from 23 to 26 September 2014, people from all the world participated in the biggest railway fairs.

Canadian railways: The TTC signalling system

Automated trains able to safely run closer together, hiking capacity on the overloaded line, thanks to the "moving blocks" technology.

The ERTMS/ETCS free handbook. Download it for free in PDF format!

The ERTMS/ETCS free handbook gives an overall description of railway signalling with a major focus to ETCS technology, to introduce the main topics all consultants interested or involved in railway signalling projects.



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