Friday, January 17, 2025
Tags Safety

Tag: Safety

Corrective, Preventive and Predictive maintenance for railway applications

Railway maintenance is defined as the process of preserving a working condition of a railway equipment, along the track or related to rolling stocks, but there are actually different approach to mantain a railway asset or service..

Formal methods in railway signalling systems

Strict safety requirements regulate the development of railway signalling and train control systems, covered by the CENELEC (European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization) EN 5012x rail standards

Cyber Security in Railway Signalling

Cyber security is a core part of the efficient combination of sophisticated software and connectivity in modern railway systems.

Safety Critical Software in Railway Signalling

Railway signalling applications are strictly related to safety critical software. Yet, how do we deal with safety requirements in software?

ERTMS and safety issues for railway operation

The ERTMS/ETCS equipment ensures safe movement of the equipped train at any time

SafeRail: level crossing study

Since the SafeRail project set out in 2013 to assess the feasibility of using satellite technology to improve safety at level crossings, the debate over the dangers posed by locations where rail meets the road has only grown. Many countries are working to phase them out, but the cost of replacing them with new infrastructure is often too high to consider except in the most serious cases.

Regulations for Railway Safety Systems

Since the train control systems are critical systems, they must be certified according to strict guidelines, such as CENELEC regulations. These rules govern both the development process and the characteristics of the final product.

Principles of Railway interlocking

In railway signalling, an interlocking (IXL) is a system composed by a set of signal apparatus that prevents trains from conflicting movements through only allowing trains to receive authority to proceed, when routes have been set, lock and detected in safe combinations.

How Track Circuits detect and protect trains: download your PDF copy!

Track circuits contributes for train detection but also for the vehicle’s speed control, since the electrical signals used for train detection can be exchanged between wayside and on-board for the transmission of speed commands.

Ansaldo STS MacroLok presented as the the Interlocking solution of the future

With flexible interfaces to Traffic Management, ERTMS L1/ L2/L3, Zone Controller and other Interlockings, Ansaldo STS MacroLok seems to be the natural evolution of the previous STS Interlockings currently in service around the world

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